Adobe CS6 Launch Today!

Yes, it’s that time again. A bit like Christmas (although it doesn’t come around quite as often) where you don’t know what you’re going to get but you know you probably don’t really need whatever it is, and you know that the rest of whole occasion is likely to cost you a lot of money. The new full version of Production Premium (the one you want if you live in video land) is going to set you back £1810.80 precisely. If you’ve already got CS5 then the upgrade is £714.00 inc vat.
But wait…..there’s a new way to pay! In this downtrodden, cash-strapped climate we are all suffering at the moment Adobe is the new Brighthouse! – just pay for your software suite in several simple monthly installments and when you fall behing on the payments just give it back….just like the plasmay! – I like it.
It’s called Creative Cloud
Apparently you can download any Adobe software you like once you’re in the scheme.  Pricing is about £70 month to month or about £47 a month if you sign up for a year. So £564 for the year isn’t bad if you need loads of Adobe apps. It should only take you 12 months to work out how to use a few of them too. Can’t wait for CS7.
To be honest I’ve been an avid (please excuse the pun) Adobe Premiere user since 1996 and yes it has it’s little annoyances, but overall it gets the job done fairly simply and cheaply and it looks as though Adobe are heading for world domination in all things production. See the launch here:

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