Been rooting through my old stuff yesterday and dug out my bag of “things I don’t want to get rid off but don’t know what to do with” and found all my old love letters, all three of them, photos, tickets to see West Ham and some old tickets to gigs and parties. Some of them may be of interest so I thought that I would scan them in. This is my ticket from The Incredible Warp Lighthouse Party, Saturday 14th October 2000 featuring Aphex Twin, Autechre, Boards of Canada etc. There is a bit of info on this night on the web, but not much. I was a huge fan of Plaid and BOC so was really looking forward to this one.
We queued up for hours due to intense security with airport style scanners to walk through. Beer and bar ran out by about 11:00pm. Live room was tiny so most couldn’t get in. Lots of scared kids sat on the floor in a huge warehouse (if you were there you’ll know why!).
Location was Trinity Buoy Wharf which was pretty much a derelict site at the time and the home of London’s only lighthouse. The views over to the millennium dome were pretty cool at night.
Bumped into Bjork though in the crowd which was interesting.